Tuesday, August 9, 2011

As the Spirit Teaches

It was one of those mornings as I was studying that I was excited about everything. When that happens I just start giggling and squealing and jumping all over the place. Sometimes I'm afraid my companion will throw something at me. But when I felt the Spirit testify to me over and over, I cant hold it in. I just want to scream it from the roof tops! "The Book of Mormon is true! Its really true!" The Spirit teaches us and touches our hearts in different ways and we all act upon it in different ways. This excitement is one way that the Spirit touches my heart.

So why was I so excited? Because I learned so much and I gained a stronger deeper love for the Book of Mormon and the stories/ Prophets filled on its pages! I feel so blessed to have it a part of my life every time I open it and read from it. Today I was reading in 2 Nephi 25. I love Nephi! He is such a great example of faith and courage! In this chapter he is so thrilling. My heart was just racing and hungering for more and more. He says at least 4 times that he is writting these things with plainess so that we can not misunderstand them. He talks over and over about Jesus Christ. "behold I say unto you, that as these things are true, and as the Lord God liveth, there is none other name given under heaven save it be this Jesus Christ, of which I have spoken, whereby man can be saved." (verse 20) There is no other way! Why would a Book that testifies so deeply and profoundly of Jesus Christ be false!? It wouldn't! That is why the Book is true! That is why Nephi testifies in his own way over and over about Jesus Christ. That is why my heart yearned to learn more. Because I felt the Spirit testify to me that what Nephi was talking about was true! I felt the Spirit teach me more about Jesus Christ. When something "...inviteth and enticeth to do good, and to love God, and to serve him, is inspired of God" Moroni 7:13.   

Read 2 Nephi 25, ponder it and love it! I know that if you do so you will feel the love of Jesus Christ. You may even feel that urge to get up and scream from the roof tops just like I did!

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