Tuesday, November 1, 2011

hold to the rod

There was once a mighty mud truck. This mud truck thought it could take on the world. Nothing seemed to stop or harm it. Little did it know that there were dangers and rough roads ahead. When once he thought he was safe, our dear little mud truck ventured off into a not so little puddle, filled with danger and bad news. Getting a little messy and dirty didn't seem so bad. But after 2 hours of being stuck this mud truck didn't feel so mighty anymore.

Sometimes I think in our own life's we decide that walking into the "little puddle" just a short way will be just fine. We justify, we say anything to ourselves to make the situation seem better then we know it is. We lighten our grip on the iron rod (1 Nehpi 8:19). We change our mindset from a focus on the Savior and the fruit that lies ahead, to selfish and inward thoughts.  Dragging us down and causing us to fight harder. There is great danger in a light grip! We must hold tight and never ever let go. 

The mighty mud truck didn't realize just how deep he was. Not until he was out and found that he was in mud clear past his tires. Sometimes we don't realize just how light our grip on the rod has gotten.

It is never too late. Do not allow your grip become any lighter then it may be. "The Savior made an infinite atoning sacrifice so that if we have faith in Him, repent, are baptized, receive the Holy Ghost, and endure to the end, we can receive forgiveness of our sins and enter and follow the path that will lead us to eternal life in God’s presence (see 2 Nephi 31:13–21)." (Preach My Gospel)

As I have kept a tight grip on the rod I have seen the blessings that come. I know that if you re-evaluate your life, tighten your grip and try harder to follow our Savior Jesus Christ you will be happier!
"Hold to the rod, the iron rod;
’Tis strong, and bright, and true.
The iron rod is the word of God;
’Twill safely guide us through."

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