Wednesday, December 28, 2011

the power of a word

As we sat in our apartment studying a few mornings ago a man outside was yelling at his little dog to come back. The yelling gradually became louder and louder as he followed his scampering puppy down the sidewalk and right past our window. Harsh words cut deep into my heart as he cursed and screamed. Almost instantly the Spirit I felt as I was reading vanished. All horrible emotions flooded my mind. With fear, anxiety, tenseness and nervousness, we walked out to see if we could help. The feelings still didn't leave. As I sat down to continue my studies I still felt horrid on the inside. I said a quick prayer and just as fast as they came those horrid feelings fled leaving room for the spirit to fill my heart. Those horrible feelings were replaced with "love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith.." (Galations 5:22)

ImagePresident Joseph Fielding Smith states: “Profanity is filthiness. A person is known as much by his language as he is by the company he keeps. … Filthiness in any form is degrading and soul-destroying and should be avoided.” ('Profanity and Swearing' by Ted E. Brewerton)

We don't realize the power our words have. If we want the spirit to be with us we need to talk and act like we want it to be around. I never want to be around someone that is yelling like that man was.  Yelling, contention, screaming swearing all drive away the spirit of the Lord. Lets all watch a little more carefully how we speak!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

direct answer

I know that this is the Church of Jesus Christ on the earth! I know that the Priesthood has been restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith and that through that Priesthood we are each blessed! There is no other way that the experience that I am about to share could have happened, only through the proper authority given from our loving Father in Heaven!

I know that our Father in Heaven answers our prayers and that He hears our deep cries for help! The last few days I have learned a lot of lessons. It seems I have been battling with my own mind. At last I felt like I couldn't handle it and so I asked for a Priesthood Blessing. During my studies that morning I asked Heavenly Father specifically what it was that I thought I needed. Specifically what I thought He could help me with. I pleaded wit Him for His help, I talked with Him as if He was sitting right in front of me. When we arrived for my blessing like they always do the Priesthood holders asked me what I needed a blessing for. Choking back the tears I told them a little of my concerns, leaving out some details and left the rest up to the Spirit. As their hands rested upon my head I felt the Spirit from God all around. I felt His warm love overwhelm me and cover me with a blanket of comfort. Not only were the words that were spoken inspired from God, but the feelings that were in the room, and the almost silent words that pierced my heart. In my blessing I was given a direct answer to my prayer! I had prayed for something very specific. During the blessing I was blessed with that exact thing that I asked for earlier in the day.

There is no other way that the Elder that gave me the blessing could have known. He used the same wording and the same phrase that I had prayed about. As I reflected on this over and over through the rest of the night I changed. I gained a sure knowledge that Heavenly Father works through the Priesthood. That He loves each of us so personally and will answer our prayers. There is no way that this Church could be false. This is the Church of Jesus Christ and I invite everyone to feel what I have felt! I am so thankful for those Elders. I am so thankful that they were willing and worthy to use the Priesthood and that they followed the Spirit while doing so.

"The priesthood is here. It has been conferred upon us. We act in that authority. We speak as sons of God in the name of Jesus Christ and as holders of this divinely given endowment. We know, for we have seen, the power of this priesthood... Paul wrote concerning the priesthood: 'No man taketh this honour unto himself, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron.' (Heb. 5:4.) We have not acquired it through purchase or bargain. The Lord has given it to men who are considered worthy to receive it, regardless of station in life, the color of their skin, or the nation in which they live. It is the power and the authority to govern in the affairs of the kingdom of God. It is given only by ordination by the laying on of hands by those in authority to do so. The qualification for eligibility is obedience to the commandments of God. There is no power on the earth like it. Its authority extends beyond life, through the veil of death, to the eternities ahead. It is everlasting in its consequences." President Gordon B. Hinckley

Thursday, December 22, 2011

sticky notes of love

My mind is racing all over the place! It has been a crazy last few days. I have been out of my normal area and in Jacksonville. I was not used to all the traffic and the hustle and bustle of the city. I missed my little Country town. I missed the zillions of stars and the quiet, peaceful back roads. I was so thankful to be back into my own area. Coming back meant bringing a new companion with me. Fear soon settled into my mind and the thought of "starting over" played over and over in my head. It was not a thought that I wanted. But the tender mercies of the Lord were all over when we walked into our apartment.

My former Companion had put sticky notes all over my wall to thank me. Even though I didn't feel like I had done anything. On each note was something that she liked about me or something that I had taught her. Tears settled in and I could feel the Spirit testify to me that what I was doing was right. That is one of the best feelings ever. These last few days have taught me a lot about being humble. Preach my Gospel talks about humility. It says when you are humble "You are confident that you can do whatever the Lord requires of you if you rely on Him." I will not lie to you. I have a hard time being humble. But I am so thankful for the lessons that I have learned about this Christ like attribute!

I cant explain to you the exact moment that humbled me. I cant pin point my feelings that helped me learn this valuable lesson but I am so grateful that it happened. I have full faith and trust in my Savior Jesus Christ. One of my favorite Scriptures is Alma 26:12, "Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak.."  I was trying to take on the world by myself, but was brought to realize that I am not alone in this. Through all the events and advice that I have been given the last week or so I have learned so much! James E. Faust said  "...It is the humility that allows us to accept and live with our own warts, without cosmetics to hide them.” Step back for a second! Think of the Lord and all that He has done for you. The marvelous things that He has planned for you and I promise that you will be brought to humility. You will come to know just like I did that I can not do it alone but with Him I can do all things!

Friday, December 16, 2011

500 yards of all pool

Growing up I was on the Swimming team.  I learned a lot from those hours in the pool. I learned a lot about hard work and endurance. I remember one specific event during a competition. My coach put me in an event that I wasn't used to swimming. I had to swim the 500 yard freestyle. That is it is down and back 10 times. It was a long event and took a lot of strength.  At the end of the pool right before my flip turn a friend would hold a board in the water counting down my laps. Letting me know how much longer I had, at my last lap the numbers were gone and all I would see was bright orange flashing before my eyes. At that moment I knew I was so close to the end. I would pick up my speed work harder and sprint faster then any previous lap. During those previous laps I had to keep the speed not slow down and keep pushing forward to the finishing goal. As a swimmer I understood the great need of endurance not only in the pool but in my life. If we can not endure then we will give in to anything and anyone.

I often think of Jesus Christ and Joseph Smith when I think of great people who have endured a lot. But what about the stories that aren't as well known. Your trials that you have endured. My challenges that I have had to work through, and many other people who keep their personal endurance to themselves?  What makes it possible for us to endure through these times?

"George A. Smith once received counsel from the Prophet: 'He told me I should never get discouraged, whatever difficulties might surround me. If I was sunk in the lowest pit of Nova Scotia and all the Rocky Mountains piled on top of me, I ought not to be discouraged but hang on, exercise faith, and keep up good courage and I should come out on the top of the heap at last.'" (Overcoming adversity)

This is what it takes. Exercising faith and hanging on. Usually when we say that we can not do it any longer is about the time that things start to get better. In the event above, at about lap 8 I would think that I could go no further. But I wouldn't give up. I wouldn't stop and hang on to the edge of the pool. I fought through the tough times and I pushed a little harder. Just a few laps later it was over and I was sitting on the side of the pool.

 "He that endureth in faith shall overcome the world" (D&C 63:20, 47) One of my lifetime goals is to Live with our Father in Heaven and His son Jesus Christ again. I want to be surrounded by my family and friends. I endure everyday because I will not give up on this goal. "If they endure unto the end they shall be lifted up at the last day" (1 Ne. 13:37)

May we all endure a little more in faith. Sure it is hard but I know that Heavenly Father will help you and lift you as you endure. Lets not slow down and but keep pushing forward to the finishing goal.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

true spirit of Christmas

This Video really amazes me. It brought tears to my eyes. These people really understand the true meaning of Christmas. They are willing to give back to their Savior Jesus Christ.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

a special Christmas

As the Christmas season approaches I cant help but think of the excitement and the joy of this wonderful Holiday season. The Prophet Thomas S. Monson said "This is a glorious time of the year, simple in origin, deep in meaning, beautiful in tradition and custom, rich in memories, and charitable in spirit. It has an attraction to which our hearts are readily drawn. This joyful season brings to each of us a measure of happiness that corresponds to the degree in which we have turned our mind, feelings, and actions to the spirit of Christmas."

Since I am away from my family and have been for over a year I have been thinking of something special that I could give them. "We all enjoy giving and receiving presents. But there is a difference between presents and gifts. The true gifts may be part of ourselves--giving of the riches of the heart and mind--and therefore more enduring and of far greater worth than presents bought at the store." (James E. Faust) As I have been thinking of this I have really caught on to the true spirit of Christmas. To me it doesn't matter what is under my tree, or in the mail. It matters that it came from someone that I love. The birth of Christ was not wrapped in sparkling paper with a HUGE glittering bow. It was not expensive and didnt take up a ton or room. It was a humble and quiet birth. So too my gifts should be. His birth and life was a testimony that Heavenly Father lives and that He loves us. The Atonement also was a gift of love. This Christmas I am going back to the basics. I am creating lasting gifts that will bring in the Spirit and touch the hearts of those that I love. What a better time to offer your testimony of the Savior Jesus Christ and to share how He blesses your life.

Step back for just a second. Remember the true meaning of Christmas and make this year a year to never forget. Make this season centered on Jesus Christ. After all He is the real reason to celebrate.

Friday, December 2, 2011

living the doctrine

This morning as I studied my scriptures I kept thinking of all these silly little things that I do wrong. Things that I think "hold me back" from becoming my full potential. As I prayed for the strength to overcome these things I thought of the Doctrine of Jesus Christ.

The Doctrine of Jesus Christ is centered on the Atonement of Jesus Christ. As we focus on Him then we build our faith as our faith grows then we have a desire to repent of the things that we have done wrong. Which leads to Baptism for a remission of our sins and then the Gift of the Holy Ghost is placed upon us by the laying on of hands. Then we Endure. My "wheel" image of the Doctrine of Christ shows this cycle.

This morning As I was thinking about these silly little things I couldn't help myself from being so excited and happy. The Spirit of the Lord was teaching me in a new way. In a special way that was personal to me. I understood from that teaching that each and everyday that we live this Doctrine we are becoming better and better. Most people have big things that they need to fix and habits or sins that keep them from obeying God's commandments. But as we live the Doctrine of Christ those things become smaller and smaller. Our desires to do better increase and our bigger issues become smaller finer details. We go through this wheel and cycle until we are right where the Father needs us to be.

As I made a list of the things that I need to change to align my will with Our Father in Heavens I became thankful. I understood for probably the first time in my life how the Doctrine of Christ changes people. As I learned and grew from my experience I came to appreciate the love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ even more. If I don't feel rebuked or corrected everyday of my life then I am not living the Doctrine of Christ. If I am not living the Doctrine then I am not changing. If I am not changing then I am not becoming what I need to be. When I am corrected it means that my Father in Heaven loves me enough to help me become better. "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent." Revelation 3:19.

Repent daily! Pray to our Father with an open heart! Be honest with Him and you will feel so much better with yourself. You will come to understand the real importance of having Jesus Christ in your life. "...will ye not now return unto me, and repent of your sins, and be converted, that I may heal you?" 3 Nephi 9:13.