Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Have you ever been hungry? Imagine a time when you were "starving." Maybe you are now. In these moments I think of all the things that I could be eating. Craving all sorts of delicious and wonderful things. The more my stomach grumbles the more I want. I start to become antsy and fish through my purse or bag for anything that will hold me over till I can really eat what I want. Have you felt this way? Then when you finally sit down in front of the meal you have been dreaming about you don’t know where to start. You just want to eat it all at once. You can’t stop... it is all just so good to you. Your mouth and stomach are grateful for the nourishment.

Some people say that my favorite phrase it "I'm starving!" But it is true. Not only physically but spiritually starving.

Have you ever been spiritually hungry? I believe its the best hunger there is. I start craving all sorts of things. Knowledge of my Father in Heaven, a sense of who I am. I crave the precious companionship of the Holy Ghost, I crave the teachings of there Book of Mormon and so many other things. When I start to "crave" the true teaching of Jesus Christ I feel as if I can never get enough. I start digging, in prayer and study to find my answers. I sit down with books and teachings in front of me and I can not seem to soak it up as fast as I would like. I yearn for more and more, and I never become full. I am  for a bit then I start asking more questions and feel a desire to know even more. I just cant stop!

President Gordon B. Hinkley said "There is hunger in the land, and a genuine thirst—a great hunger for the word of the Lord and an unsatisfied thirst for things of the Spirit. I am satisfied that the world is starved for spiritual food."

I am STARVING! I want the word of the Lord and I am thirsting for righteousness. (Matthew 5:6)
I know that the more we study. The more we really seek the truth it will be unfolded to us. I know that if we just ask God He will satisfy the hunger pains we have, and allow us to know the truth. There is so much to learn! We are never done! We must learn all that we can. If we focus on learning all we can now, we will be able to carry it with us into the here after. "Whatever principle of intelligence we attain unto in this life, it will rise with us in the resurrection." D&C 130:18.

If you are starving, if you are craving the truth, or even more knowledge about our Savior Jesus Christ. Then come unto Him! There is satisfaction and joy in learning. Your Spirit will be grateful for the nourishment that it receives. Never go a day hungry.

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