Wednesday, October 5, 2011

bits and pieces

Better late then never I guess.. It has taken me awhile to post anything. I have so many things I would love to talk about and share with you all. But lets start small shall we!

General Conference was this past week. It was Excellent. General Conference happens every 6 months and we have the privilege of hearing a living Prophet of God speak. Along with the Apostles and many other people. This is such a special time. This past conference was a spiritual boost and helped me gain a stronger relationship with my Father is Heaven. He really is there and He is aware of us and all that we need and all we go through. I have never felt it so strong or understood it so deeply.

Here are some of the highlights from the notes I took. These are somethings that stood out to me.

"Great Power can come from memorizing scriptures." -Richard G Scott 
"Do the right thing at the right time without Delay." -Jose L. Alonso  
"The outcome is not in question! Lucifer will lose!" - Boyd K. Packer
 "Compared to God man is nothing. But we are everything to God." -Dieter F. Uchtdorf
"Where is your faith?" -Neil L. Anderson
"Time flies on wings of lightning." - Ian S. Ardern
"Let us be as quick to kneel as we are to txt." -Ian S. Ardern
"We must look up and step up then we will cheer up." -Carl B. Cook
"Whatever cost of Forgiveness is swallowed up in forgiveness."  -D. Todd Christofferson
"I plead with you to drink deeply and often from its [The Book of Mormon] pages." -Henry B. Eyring
"When He does not answer [a prayer], its often here a little and there a little." -Robert D. Hales
"Together with the Bible it [The Book of Mormon] brings us to 'One Lord, One Faith, one Baptism.' " -Tad R. Callister
"There is only one Church by Divine command that bears the name of Jesus Chirst." - M. Russell Ballard
"I urge you to gain a deeper relationship with our Father." -Thomas S. Monson
"The Laws of God remain constant." -Thomas S. Monson
"He makes the Terms and we agree." -Russel M. Nelson
"When you think of all the things Christ has done, shouldn't you be at Church worshiping Him?" - Dallin H. Oaks
"Where is your Ultimate Loyalty?" -Dallin H. Oaks
"look how far we have come. Take a deep breath then start uphill one step at a time." Matthew O. Richardson
"It is never too hard or too late to make correct choices." -Randall K. Bennett
"We must not only say our prayer but live them." -J. Devn Cornish
"Great blessings come to those that are faithful."-Quentin L. Cook
"The saviors Atonement provides life boats for everyone." -Quentin L. Cook

"We are all here because we love the Lord." -Thomas S. Monson

 I urge you to watch the messages that were so inspired by the Spirit. There is a lot of love and time that was put into them so that we could feel something from it. The Spirit of God will be all around as you watch and listen with an open heart. I know that the men and women that spoke this past weekend are called of God and that they truly are who they say they are. I love them and I am grateful that we have them in our lives. The things that I shared are only a fraction of the things that were spoken and I know there is a lot more to learn!

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