Saturday, October 22, 2011

a spiritual gps

Ever driven around in a car with a GPS? The little device stuck to the dash and the picture of a map dominating the screen. Roads going every direction, but highlighted just for your convenience the very way you need to go to reach your desired destination? A little voice clear as day telling you "in 200 yards turn right.... turn right." As persistent as they may be they are very useful.

Wouldn't it be nice to have a Spiritual GPS? A voice clear as day telling you "In 25 days take the new job." Luckily we do. We are so blessed to have the scriptures and Prayer. There isn't a literal screen with a highlighted path, but we have an internal map, our destination is set and we have the desire to live with our Father in Heaven again. We wont hear the voice clear as day, but when we hear it, or feel it we will not be able to deny it! "...but behold, it was a still voice of perfect mildness, as if it had been a whisper, and it did pierce even to the very soul—" Helaman 5:30 

Whatever our destination we still have the choice to stay on the highlighted path or to stray. When driving around the GPS warns you of the turn ahead. It allows you plenty of time to slow down. Think about your next move and then follow through. When you miss the turn a kind "Make a U turn" is recommended.
If you go to far without making that U turn then it has to make an alternative route. Sometimes this new path is tricky, muddy, complicated and longer then imagined. In turn making us irritated, upset and confused.

Have you ever heard the warning voice of the Lord? A soft voice or feeling, giving you plenty of time to step back, slow down and think of the concequences? He allows plenty of time. He warns you and prompts you of your turn, of your next move, as you seek Him is prayer and desire His help.

When we miss our turn, we are prompted to make a "U" turn. We can stop whatever is taking our mind off the straight and narrow path. We can leave it be and step back into the highlighted and desired road. If we do not, The new path can be tricky, sticky and cause pain and confusion. If we are not careful it can cause more work, take longer and have greater consiquences.  Elder Jeffery R. Holland said "But there is an answer to this challenge... Whoever you are and whatever you have done, you can be forgiven." You can step back on the path. You can allow the Atonement of Jesus Christ to heal you.

If you have gone past your "U" turn. Do not give up! Step up and become clean through Jesus Christ. Allow His healing hands to lift you off your knees and to clear your mind of the pain of sin. I urge you to repent. To turn your life over to our Father in Heaven and to become perfected through His son Jesus Christ. He has the power and the love to heal you. It is not too late.  "Listen to him who is the aadvocate with the Father, who is pleading your cause before him—" D&C 45:3 

The next time you hear the warning voice of the Lord. LISTEN! Stay close to the path and do not stray. On the highlighted path you will find Happiness.

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