Tuesday, September 20, 2011

becoming strong

There comes a time in every ones life when we must decide who it is that we are going to be. This is a very defining and crucial point in any one's life. Sometimes it comes and goes and we don't know it. Sometimes it comes and stays for longer than we would like, and sometimes it comes more then once.

So how do we stay strong through this time and choose the right path? Elder Per G. Malm talks about becoming filled from the inside out, "Just as a young tree grows bit by bit into a sturdy tree, so we can grow step by step in our capacity to be solid and filled from the inside out, in contrast to the hollow tree. It is through the healing Atonement of Jesus Christ that we may have the strength to stand tall and strong and to have our souls be filled—with light, understanding, joy, and love."

If we start living in accordance to God's will then we are becoming strong from the inside out. We need to read our scriptures and seek the understanding and learning that can fill our hearts as we study them. We need to pray to our Father and plead with Him to help us to know what path He needs us to follow. There are loads of other things that I could ramble on about, but it is so simple. Choose now who you will follow and DO NOT EVER look back!  "Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself." (2 Nephi 2:27)

If we choose NOW to follow our dearest elder Brother and Savior, Jesus Christ, then when we get to that point in our lives the choice will come naturally. If we are strong from the inside out we will look back and see that in that moment we followed Him, we did not let our eyes become unfocused. 

Lets all stand tall and strong. So that we will not falter and fall into the temptations of the evil one. Jesus Christ is always there for you. He will NEVER let you down. He has walked the very path that you have gone down and knows what is ahead. We must not follow Him will a "hollow" heart. Fill your heart with His love. The choice is yours. Become what He knows you can become!

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