There is a difference between comfort and healing. Some people may not be dealing with a physical sickness but they are spiritually sick. They try different things in search for the healing they are so desperatly searching for. They only find comfort for a time. Then just like me they are sent back into their reality and start their search again.
I know that the healing they are searching for is only found in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! In King Benjamin's address to his people he says "...that there shall be no other name given nor any other way nor means whereby salvation can come unto the children of men, only in and through the name of Christ, the Lord Omnipotent." (Mosiah 3:17) The way to Salvation is by living by the teachings of Jesus Christ and following Him. His teaching and His doctrine are found in there true and fullest state in His restored church. Healing comes through Jesus Christ and the sacrifice He has made for us. He has felt what we have felt.
If you are searching or know someone that is searching for more meaning in their life then I invite you to come unto Christ. Learn of His restored gospel and allow His healing arms to wrap around you. I know that this is His Church and that there is no other way to receive the healing you are searching for. I have not felt this healing in any other place. I have started the steps to my healing and I encourage you to find the truth for yourself.
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